Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A fruitful busk

Last Sunday we spent a little while busking at Jackson Square. One thing learned: our target audience is children. We attract them with our juggling, engage directly with them by asking “What would you like to hear a story about?” or “What is your favorite thing in the whole world?”, we start telling the story and have the kids’ attention before the parents can successfully get away, the kids are entertained by the story, the parents feel glad that we’ve kept the kids entertained for a couple of minutes plus feel entertained themselves, and they feel obligated to give us money for that entertainment. It works so well.

Sunday we had an excellent experience performing. We told several stories that earned us several dollars per story. This suddenly seems possible. Unfortunately once an hour had passed, an artist sent by other artists told us we couldn’t be where we were and that we should move along. It’s very difficult to be on the streets. Oh, well.

Brendan has a slight cold. Where has my immune system gone?


Anim Cara said...

To prevent colds, Take your a daily vitamin. Get regular exercise. Wash your hands several times a day and sing happy birthday to yourself when you do it to make sure you do it long enough to actually kill germs. Wash or change your towels every 48 hours. Sleep at least 8 hours. But most importantly, Keep your hands away from your eyes and nose.

Alissa said...

Yay for figuring out your audience! Now you can target places that are especially kid-heavy. It's so much fun to read about your adventures--much love to you guys!