Friday, April 17, 2009

Settling into Seattle mode

Well, being in Seattle again certainly brings more questions to light, namely, "what do we really want?"

It seems that our adaptability is a bit of a curse. We can see all the options and opportunities out there, and are having a tough time figuring out which path we want to follow next. On the one hand, we're loving the travel. We love meeting new people, seeing new places, and just being free of the stresses that come with obligations.
On the other hand, we've been missing the parts of life that come with being settled. We like having an income and all the security that brings with it. We want a home - a private space that we can invite others into. We miss the long, loving friendships, for which brief hitchhiking interactions cannot substitute.

But addressing this decision brings up a whole host of other questions, chief among them: how should our lives proceed from here? The only certainty is that Stina will definitely go to grad school. Of course, even the when of that becomes uncertain when we address the question of what other education we might prefer. She and I have been talking lately about returning to university for B.S. degrees.
Some days, we are definitely ready to write the book of our travels, and others it seems impossible. We only recently discovered that our visions of the final product are vastly different.
I have a list of aspirations. I don't know when or how they'll all happen, but I want to attempt them all soon.
Gosh. So much!

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