Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Where we've been living the last four months (a pictures post)

Welcome to our house! Please, step across the street and come in.
Doesn't our gate look lovely? These beads are from Mardi Gras, of course! Let's go inside.
This is our front room. It's mostly a place to store things. Follow us through the open double-wide doorway and we'll pass through...
...Eric's bedroom. No, he doesn't use the fireplace, but he does keep candles on top of it! Let's go straight through our shotgun style house to the next room.

This is the middle sitting room, where we often actually do sit and read, or eat, or play games.

And this is our bedroom! It's also the main thoroughfare to the kitchen and bathroom.

And finally, the kitchen, and that final doorway you see is to the bathroom. Yes, you just go straight through, passing through one room to get to the next! I know, isn't it a funny style house?! Who needs hallways? Ha ha, ha ha.

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